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Document Creation & Management Using Adobe Acrobat Pro

Validate your knowledge of Acrobat Pro, our most advanced PDF solution for creating and editing documents.
Review the available versions and languages.  

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Becoming an Adobe Certified Professional typically requires 150 hours of hands-on experience and instruction. Explore the resources below to gear up and get inspired.

Exam guide

Review the exam objectives to see what you need to know.

Practice tests

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Available August 2024.

Tutorials and projects

Follow along with free Adobe tutorials to learn the basics, refine your workflows, or find inspiration.

The Acrobat Pro exam guide.

The exam objectives are outlined below alongside relevant resources. All key items are examples of exam topics and do not comprise a comprehensive list.
1. Working in Document Management

These objectives cover critical concepts related to working with colleagues and clients as well as crucial legal, technical, and document management-related knowledge.

  • 1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs when preparing documents.
  • a: Determine whether content is relevant to the purpose, audience, audience needs, user experience, and has an appropriate configuration for target devices.
  • KeyTerms: client goals, target audience, demographics, accessibility, etc.
  • b. Identify requirements based on how the document will be used, including web, print, and mobile.

Resources & Tutorials

  • 1.2 Communicate with colleagues and clients about document development.
  • a. Demonstrate knowledge of techniques for communicating about document development with peers and clients.
  • KeyTerms: document requirements, specifications, versions, change orders, drafts,etc.
  • b. Demonstrate knowledge of basic project management concepts.
  • Key Terms: project scope, scope creep, document sharing, cloud collaboration and file management

Resources & Tutorials

  • 1.3 Determine the appropriate type of copyright, permissions, and licensing required to use specific content.
  • a. Identify legal and ethical considerations for using third-party content, such as copyright, permissions, and licensing.
  • Key Concepts: Creative Commons, public domain, intellectual property, derivative work, commercial use, attribution, work for hire, fair use, fair dealing, images, graphics, rich media, etc.

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  • 1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of best practices for the design and layout of a professional document.
  • a. Demonstrate knowledge of document specification terminology.
  • Key Terms: resolution, file types (*.txt, *.pdf, *.rtf, *.md, *.jpg, *.png, *.svg, *docx, *.pptx, *.xlsx *.xml, *.html, etc.), document output file sizes, typeface, resizing, aspect ratio, units of measurement (inches, pixels, centimeters), metadata, etc.
  • b. Define document layout terms and principles.
  • Key Terms: orientation, text justification and alignment, line and paragraph spacing, foreground, background, color, hierarchy (outline), readability spacing, grids, callouts, pull quotes, title, header, block quote, footer, caption, table of contents, index, page size, page orientation, facing pages, column, gutter, margin, etc.
  • c. Identify and use common typographic adjustments to create contrast, hierarchy, and enhanced readability.
  • Key Terms: font (typeface), size, style (bold, italics, underline), color, alignment, tracking (character spacing), leading (line spacing), horizontal scale, line length, serif vs. sans-serif, etc.
  • d. Recognize the need for embedding fonts.

Resources & Tutorials

2. Acrobat Workspace

These objectives cover the interface setup and program settings that assist in an efficient and effective workflow.

  • 2.1 Navigate and organize the application workspace.
  • a. Prepare Acrobat to work on a document.
  • Key Concepts: All tools view, minimize, expand, add, remove, and reposition tools
  • b. Configure application preferences.
  • Key Concepts: Commenting, Documents, Full Screen, General, Page Display, Convert From PDF, Convert to PDF, Units and Guides, Accessibility

Resources & Tutorials

  • 2.2 Use non-printing design tools in the interface to aid in design or workflow.
  • a. Use rulers.
  • Key Concepts: showing and hiding rulers, changing the measurement unit on rulers, Guides, etc.
  • b. Navigate, view and zoom in documents to work efficiently.
  • Key Concepts: Full-screen mode, Single Page View, Enable Scrolling, Two Page View, Two Page Scrolling, Dynamic Zooming, Read Mode, Zoom to Page Level, Marquee Zoom, Loupe Tool, Page Navigation, Automatic Scroll, Reflow Mode, Grids, Snap to Grid, Line Weight, etc.

Resources & Tutorials

3. Creating and Organizing PDFs

These objectives cover methods of creating a PDF and a PDF portfolio, as well as organizing the pages.

CertPREP Practice Tests sample items

  • 3.1 Create a document from the appropriate source.
  • a. Create a PDF from a single file.
  • File types: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Text file
  • b. Create a PDF from multiple files.
  • Key features: Combine files into a single PDF, creating multiple PDFs at the same time
  • c. Create a PDF from a scanner.
  • d. Create a PDF from a web page.
  • e. Create a PDF from the clipboard.

Resources & Tutorials

  • 3.2 Set appropriate document settings for printed and onscreen viewing.
  • a. Set Initial View properties.Add and adjust video.
  • Key Concepts: layout, magnification, facing pages, initial page, navigation tab
  • b. Set Page Boxes.
  • Key Concepts: width, height, margins, orientation, pages, XOffset and YOffset, page range, etc.

Resources & Tutorials

  • 3.3 Organize pages.
  • a. Insert, delete, and reorder pages in a document.
  • Key Tools: inserting/deleting pages, selecting pages, rearranging pages, extracting, splitting, rotating, replacing, page labels (numbering), page transitions

Resources & Tutorials

  • 3.4 Create and edit portfolios.
  • a. Create, edit, and organize multiple files into a PDF Portfolio.
  • Key Tools: adding/deleting, drag and drop, previewing, editing, sorting, searching
    Key Concepts: independence of source files, reusing files in multiple portfolios

Resources & Tutorials

4. Editing PDFs

These objectives cover the tools that allow you to add and format content on each page.

  • 4.1 Add and format text.
  • a. Use type tools to add text.
  • Key Tools: text frames, Add Text tool
  • b. Use appropriate text settings.
  • Key Settings: font, font style (bold, italic, superscript, subscript), size, character spacing, line spacing, horizontal and paragraph spacing, and color, alignment, numbered and bulleted lists, justification.
  • c. Recognize text to make it editable.
  • Key Tools: Scan & OCR

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Resources & Tutorials

  • 4.2 Add assets to a PDF.
  • a. Add images.
  • b. Attach files.
  • c. Add Rich Media.
  • d. Add Headers and Footers.

Resources & Tutorials

  • 4.3 Select and modify objects.
  • a. Select objects.
  • Key Tools: keyboard modifiers, selecting multiple objects
  • b. Transform objects.
  • Key Tools: moving, cut, copy, paste, flip, arrange, rotate, align, crop image

Resources & Tutorials

Resources & Tutorials

  • 4.4 Add and remove links and bookmarks.
  • a. Add links to documents.
  • b. Add bookmarks to documents.

Resources & Tutorials

Resources & Tutorials

  • 4.5 Prepare forms.
  • a. Create and modify forms.
  • Key Elements: text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, lists, drop-down lists, buttons, data fields, signature fields, bar code fields
    Key Tools: align, center, match size, distribute
    Key Functions: Importing data, exporting data, merging data, clearing form, preparing form for e-signature, changing field properties, duplicating across pages, creating multiple copies

Resources & Tutorials

Resources & Tutorials

5. Sharing and Reviewing PDFs

These objectives cover the collaboration features of Acrobat.

  • 5.1 Share and review documents.
  • a. Share PDFs.
  • Key Tools: Share File/Send for Comment
  • b. Annotate documents.
  • Key Tools: Add sticky note, Highlight text, Underline, Strikethrough, Add note to replace text, Insert text a cursor, Add text comments, Add text box, Erase drawing, Add stamp, Add new attachment, Drawing tools, Keep tool selected, Change color, Line thickness

Resources & Tutorials

  • 5.2 Use Acrobat proofreading and error correction tools.
  • a. Use various tools to revise and refine project content.
  • Key Tools: find/replace, advanced search, modify dictionary, dictionary language, spell check

Resources & Tutorials

6. Protecting, Standardizing, and Exporting

These objectives cover ensuring a document meets accessibility standards, redacting private data, exporting, and printing documents in multiple formats.

  • 6.1 Make the document accessible.
  • a. Add accessibility features to adocument.
  • Key Concepts: Alternate text, document title, document description, Accessibility Setup Assistant

Resources & Tutorials

  • 6.2 Redact documents.
  • a. Prepare documents for external users.
  • Key Concepts: Alternate text, document title, document description, Accessibility Setup Assistant

Resources & Tutorials

  • 6.3 Protect documents.
  • a. Secure documents.
  • Key Tools: Protect using password, Remove hidden information, Encrypt with password, prevent editing/printing

Resources & Tutorials

Resources & Tutorials

  • 6.4 Export and print PDFs.
  • a. Save, export, or distribute in appropriate formats for print, screen or online.
  • KeyFormats: PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Image,HTML Page, Rich Text Format, Plain Text, including associated settings
  • b. Reduce file size or compress PDF.
  • c. Print documents.
  • Key Concepts: Page sizing and handling options, Comments, Orientation, Print on both sides of paper, printing grayscale, page range, number of copies

Resources & Tutorials

Sample questions from the CertPREP practice tests.

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Available August 2024

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