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Why become an
Adobe Certified Professional?

By validating your expertise with industry-leading Adobe Creative Cloud applications, you’ll stand out to employers, clients, and collaborators across fields like brand marketing, digital media, video production, and design.

Expand your knowledge.

Preparing for certification elevates your skillset and boosts your confidence.

Demonstrate your expertise.

Certification boosts your credibility and value in the job market.

Unleash your creative skills.

Certification empowers you to turn any idea or inspiration into exceptional creative work.

Learn more about the benefits of certification.

Gain trust and confidence.

“I have certifications in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. When I mention that, people immediately know and trust that I can do their design and video work.”
̶  Freelance graphic designer

Earn credentials employers value.

In an evolving job market, certifications are an increasingly important sign of talent, drive, and creativity.  
75% of hiring managers say certifications are important in demonstrating creative problem-solving and visual design skills.
74% agree that candidates with creative problem-solving and visual design skills deserve higher compensation.
80% agree that certifications signal high-quality candidates.

Demonstrate your commitment.

"Certifications [show that our job applicants] knew exactly what they wanted to do. We value hard work, dedication, and someone who is aspiring for something. That can come across in an interview especially well when they have multiple credentials.”
̶  Hiring manager, US software industry

Employers who hired certified individuals said:


produce higher quality work.


are better to innovate.


are more productive.

Show what you know.

As an Adobe Certified Professional, you’ll get an official certificate from Certiport and a digital badge that you can add to your portfolio, website, resume, LinkedIn profile, and email signature.

Get certified in just a few steps.